API Testing – Software testing
API testing, or application programming interface testing, is a type of software testing that focuses on the testing of individual API methods and the interactions between different APIs. This type of testing is typically performed at the integration level, after unit testing is completed, and before user interface testing begins. It is used to validate that the API behaves correctly and that it meets the requirements of the system....
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Security Testing – Software Testing
Security Testing is a type of Software Testing that uncovers vulnerabilities in the system and determines that the data and resources of the system are protected from possible intruders. It ensures that the software system and application are free from any threats or risks that can cause a loss. Security testing of any system is focused on finding all possible loopholes and weaknesses of the system that might result in the loss of information or repute of the organization....
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Automation Testing – Software Testing
Automated Testing means using special software for tasks that people usually do when checking and testing a software product. Nowadays, many software projects use automation testing from start to end, especially in agile and DevOps methods. This means the engineering team runs tests automatically with the help of software tools. It will help to keep the testing team to make the process faster. Continuous delivery (CD) and quickly sends the new code to users. Automated testing is important for this because it converts the manual steps into automation. Continuous integration (CI) checks the new code changes to prevent issues. CD gets after CI done everything well. Automated testing, CI & CD will together prove that the new code is error-free and ready for deployment quickly for the project purpose....
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Smoke Testing – Software Testing
Smoke testing, also known as “Build Verification Testing” or “Build Acceptance Testing,” is a type of software testing that is typically performed at the beginning of the development process to ensure that the most critical functions of a software application are working correctly. It is used to quickly identify and fix any major issues with the software before more detailed testing is performed. The goal of smoke testing is to determine whether the build is stable enough to proceed with further types of testing....
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What is the main difference between Selenium 1 and Selenium 2?
Selenium is a suite of software widely used in the field of automation and testing, it has been a key player in the field of automation for a long time. This article will deep into Automation and discuss the difference between Selenium version 1 and Selenium version 2, highlighting their differences, advantages, and disadvantages....
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Functional Testing – Software Testing
Functional Testing is a type of Software Testing in which the system is tested against the functional requirements and specifications. Functional testing ensures that the application properly satisfies the requirements or specifications. This type of testing is particularly concerned with the result of processing. It focuses on the simulation of actual system usage but does not develop any system structure assumptions....
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Performance Testing – Software Testing
Performance Testing is a type of software testing that ensures software applications perform properly under their expected workload. It is a testing technique carried out to determine system performance in terms of sensitivity, reactivity, and stability under a particular workload....
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Regression Testing – Software Engineering
Regression testing is a crucial aspect of software engineering that ensures the stability and reliability of a software product. It involves retesting the previously tested functionalities to verify that recent code changes haven’t adversely affected the existing features....
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Locating Strategies By Partial Link Text Using Java
Web application testing must be rigorous and thorough. For this reason, many tests for web applications are automated. Selenium is an open-source framework that allows us to automate web browser testing. In the following sections, we will use partial link text to locate elements on our HTML code using Java and Selenium. We will further see an example of how we can navigate to other web pages using automation....
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Selenium Locating Strategies
Selenium is one of the most powerful and widely used tools for automated web applications. Whether you’re a software developer or a QA tester selenium is an important tool to have in your toolkit. One of the most important tasks in order to automate the web applications is interacting with the elements on a web page that’s where Selenium Locating strategies come into play. Selenium Locating Strategies are a set of methods used to precisely locate and interact with web elements on a web page. These web elements can be anything from buttons, checkboxes, and input fields to complex elements like tables and iframes. Locating the element accurately is a crucial step in automating user interactions effectively such as filling out forms, clicking buttons, etc....
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TestNG Annotations in Selenium Webdriver with Examples
TestNG is a testing framework widely used in Selenium WebDriver for automation testing. It provides a wide range of annotations that help in organizing and controlling the flow of test cases. TestNG learns from JUnit and NUnit, making itself better by adding new features that make testing easier and more effective. One of these improvements is the use of annotations....
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How can we Find an Element using Selenium?
Selenium is one of the most popular and powerful tools for automating web applications. Selenium is widely used for automating user interactions on a web application like clicking on a button, navigating to a web page, filling out web forms, and many more. But to interact with a web application we first need to find or locate an element on a webpage....
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